Dan Mecca

[Review] Safe House

In which we learn, if you're a C.I.A. operative who's captured a world-class baddie, whatever you do, do not got to a safe house. In Safe House, directed by Dan...

[Review] Big Miracle

Overly long and overly repetitive, Big Miracle, directed by Ken Kwapis, is nothing if not straight from the heart. Or at least aiming to be. After all, everybod...

[Sundance Review] 28 Hotel Rooms

Sometimes all you need is two actors, one room and one camera. Do that 28 times over, and you have a gem of a film. Of course, this takes a great deal of confid...

[Sundance Review] The End Of Love

Mark Webber has been around for years. It's about time everybody noticed him and recognized his talent. At this year's Sundance Film Festival, Webber appears in...

[Sundance Review] Sleepwalk With Me

Sleepwalk With Me, written and directed by Mike Birbiglia, is the manifestation of a stand-up routine in feature film form. Think an episode of Louie, only 90 m...

[Sundance Video Review] Robot & Frank

Offering little more than the novelty of a simply-designed robot next to actor Frank Langella, the high-concept, small sci-fi Robot and Frank never quite commit...

[Sundance Review] The First Time

Movies about teenage strife are incredibly hard to get right. Blame it on John Hughes. Blame it on the suburbs. Blame it on the Sundance Film Festival. Plainly ...

Dan Mecca

Managing Editor

Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.