It takes a certain amount of expertise to build a narrative without telling the audience everything as soon as possible. In Montana Story, filmmakers Scott McG...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie stars! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones that they ma...
It all started in January 2009. The movie? Taken. The movie star? Liam Neeson. That surprise hit created a new, palpable career path for the Irish thespian. Si...
Even for the twisty paranoid thriller sub-genre, there is a whole lot going on in Yann Gozlan's Black Box. Not boring yet not quite enveloping, the film never ...
There's a moment in Hello, Bookstore, directed by A.B. Zax, wherein Matt Tannenbaum––owner of The Bookstore in Lenox, Massachusetts––spots a happy customer pic...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie stars! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones that they ma...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie stars! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones they made in...
One of the best things about As They Made Us, written and directed by Mayim Bialik, is its pronounced lack of judgment. An indie dramedy heavy on the drama, Bi...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie directors! Not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones that the...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we usually talk about movie stars and not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the ones t...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.