Following up his debut feature Thief, Michael Mann embarked on The Keep, a supernatural horror thriller set in Romania during World War II that, amidst editing...
As 2024 comes to a close, much of the month will be dedicated to wrapping up the year in cinema with a plethora of year-end features (bookmark here for those),...
Those who've seen his films know Ed Lachman as a key collaborator of (naming just some) Todd Haynes, Sofia Coppola, Steven Sodebergh, Paul Schrader, and Pablo ...
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Film ForumThe Wages of Fear plays in a 4K restoration, while Labyrinth screens on Sunday.
As a special holiday gift to The Film Stage podcast feed, listen to a new Box Office Bonanza! Here we talk about random box office weekends and where they fit ...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week’s selections below and past r...
In September 2022, a 22-year-old Iranian woman named Mahsa Amini was killed by authorities. She was arrested for alleged non-compliance with the country’s mand...
The jump from cinematographer to director doesn't happen so often. Barry Sonnenfeld, Jan de Bont, Ernest Dickerson––an attractive list, if a short one. The lat...
No matter the changes and upheavals from recent years, Cahiers du cinéma’s status as cinematic north pole has waned little––evidenced by annual top 10 lists co...
Three gauchos on horseback gallop across an Argentine landscape, their connection to their animals and their surroundings palpable. In a crumbling church, an e...