Month: January 2010

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‘Mortal Kombat’ Reboot On The Way

Warner Brothers Pictures, who have been behind some successful reboots (Batman) and some not so successful ones (Terminator) have turned their attention to ...
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Naomi Watts To Occupy ‘Dream House’

Naomi Watts has joined Daniel Craig to headline Jim Sheridan's next project, Dream House, based on a spec script by David Loucka. The film will follow "a...
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‘The Last Airbender’ Gets Posters, Good and Evil

Further supporting the hope that this could very well be a return to form for the slumping M. Night Shyamalan, here are two lush, contrasting posters for the director's next film, The Last Airbender, adapted from the critically-acclaimed animated series. One reveals the evil Prince Zuko (Slumdog Millionaire Dev Patel) looking down on his "fire nation;" the other shows hero Aang (Noah Ringer) and his "air nation."...
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The Hurt Locker, UP score at the PGA

Kathryn Bigelow's The Hurt Locker picked up another trophy at the Producers Guild Awards edging out competitors such as Avatar, Inglourious Basterds, Precious...
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[Review] Crazy Heart

Jeff Bridges is the face of Crazy Heart, made by first-time writer-director Scott Cooper and adapted from Thomas Cobb’s 1987 novel. The fantastic soundtrack, which celebrates a classic country sound too far removed from the billboard charts, has also garnered critical praise....
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Gremlins 3D In The Works?

According to an article over at Market Saw, Warner Bros. is looking into the possibility of making a third installment in the Gremlins franchise.  It should...
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‘Machete’ Gets Foxy

Late Friday night Fox won out in the studio bidding war for Robert Rodriguez's independently-produced Machete, the extension of his faux-trailer that sat in...