Further supporting the hope that this could very well be a return to form for the slumping M. Night Shyamalan, here are two lush, contrasting posters for the director’s next film, The Last Airbender, adapted from the critically-acclaimed animated series.

One reveals the evil Prince Zuko (Slumdog Millionaire Dev Patel) looking down on his “fire nation;” the other shows hero Aang (Noah Ringer) and his “air nation.” [/Film]

Check out the posters below:

Between these well-made posters and the simple, satisfying teaser trailer, I’m relatively excited for this change of pace for Shyamalan, though I’m not intensely familiar with the source material.

For further information on the coming trailer, here’s a couple teasing tweets by the film’s producer Frank Marshall.

Are you excited for The Last Airbender? What do you think of these posters?

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