Gone Girl

With David Fincher at the helm, many attributed the success of Gone Girl to his specific darkly comedic style and slick visual aesthetic, but author-turned-screenwriter Gillian Flynn was just as substantial in its making. Today we have a great video essay from Lessons From the Screenplay that looks at three specific techniques she utilized, some in addition to her novel and others there from the beginning.

The video breaks down how efficient action lines add a wealth of development to our characters, then it segues to how scenes begin with a broader set-up and funnel down towards a single point in the final line (using Nick’s realization that he needs a lawyer as the prime example), and lastly, how subplot character help greatly inform the central plot.

Check out the informative video essay below, and for another Fincher-related bit, see the book trailer for Chuck Palahniuk’s graphic novel Fight Club 2, which will be released later this month.

Explore the making of Gone Girl through Fincher’s eyes.

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