Few (if any) modern intellectuals have the public profile of Slavoj Žižek, a man whose long-form thoughts on everything from The Wire to modern Marxisim are consumed in equal amounts — and, no less, with as many lengthy responses. Those occasional dips into moving images come to this writer’s attention more strongly than, say, a battle with Noam Chomsky, so what follows, here, is of genuine interest: The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology, a sequel of sorts to 2006’s The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema — i.e., a reunion with director Sophie Fiennes — that, again, brings the philosopher into recreations of famous films.

Their list is more eclectic than ever, while the first preview is a fun, zippy meld of heavy theory and classic (or, at least, popular) cinema, the Slovene front and center once more. Not a great deal of their formal approach would seem to have changed — however much you liked Guide to Cinema will impact anticipation, obviously — but more of this unique angle on such a wide subject is something I’d undoubtedly be up for, no matter some of my personal reservations about Žižek himself. Not that it wouldn’t bolster discussion even further.

Watch the trailer — along with a beautiful new poster (via ThePlaylist) — below:

The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology will open in New York on November 1.

What are the impressions of this follow-up? Is more Žižek something you need in your life?

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