Continued signs of life for the next Terrence Malick project – this is a good thing. The Tree of Life, written and directed by Malick and starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn, was given a PG-13 rating by the MPAA. This means there’s a finished product out there finished enough to rate. [/Film]

Despite Apparition’s current woes, The Tree of Life seems to be solid and still steady for a late 2010 Oscar-fueled release. And while there’s been no word as to which/if any film festival Malick’s fifth feature will premiere at, the more that’s written about it the better it’s chances seem to coming out with distribution and champions behind it.

After all, this is a Terrence Malick film. It wouldn’t be one if it wasn’t difficult to get into theaters.

Are you exited for The Tree of Life? Will it get released this year? Under Apparition’s name?

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