In 1962 Orson Welles directed The Trial; in 1993 the music video for David Bowie’s “Jump They Say” paid tribute in a characteristically pop-art fashion; in 2022 Brett Morgen’s Moonage Daydream gave a small window into the video’s making; and in 2023 both films––by extension bits of “Jump They Say” to boot––arrive on 4K from Criterion. For Welles it’s all about the deep blacks and luminescent grain; in Morgan’s case (but also Bowie’s) it’s the wealth of archival material and DTS-HD.
Their September slate also boasts two 4K upgrades, one recent and one legacy: The Princess Bride jumps to 2,160 pixels just five years after its Blu-ray edition, while longtime favorite Walkabout ought to look flaberrgastingly sharp. Meanwhile, La Bamba arrives on Blu-ray.
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