Some of the year's most intriguing documentaries often get their start at Sundance Film Festival and 2013 was no exception. For first-time filmmaker Zachary...
Though always prolific as a playwright, Neil LaBute’s past decade at the movies has been filled by studio pictures which never quite found the creative succ...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we believe it's our duty to highlight ...
The Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) has a reputation of being more of an “audience festival” than an “industry festival,” and certainly not witho...
At the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival, I was lucky enough to catch Rabies, a low-key horror picture touted as Israel's first-ever jump into the genre. As far as...
Note: The following piece contains spoilers for Before Midnight.
During a discussion panel at the recent Tribeca Film Festival, Forrest Cardamenis, a fri...
While Hollywood continually churns out various films on World War II, every so often the horror genre likes to take the tragic events and put a delirious sp...
A culturally significant film marking the first official cinematic co-production between Australia and China, Pauline Chan's 33 Postcards also provides a moving...
One of the titles that we're most looking forward to amongst the stellar 66th Cannes Film Festival line-up is then next work from Alexander Payne, who retur...
The frozen plains of Finnish Lapland may not seem like a natural setting for a modern Western, but Jessica Oreck’s Aatsinki: The Story of Arctic Cowboys convin...