One of our top 10 films of the year, Alexander Payne's The Holdovers is already on its way to becoming a recurring Christmas classic. It's also had an expedite...
Welcome to a new episode of The Film Stage Show! On a new episode, Brian Roan and Robyn Bahr are joined by special guest Gerald Peary to discuss Alexander Payn...
In the midst of a festival setting, catching up with all the best of world cinema and the contemporary avant-garde, you basically hope––sometimes even luckily ...
After teaming for Sideways two decades ago, writer-director Alexander Payne and actor Paul Giamatti have reunited for a new drama. The Holdovers, which is set ...
It's been quite a struggle for Alexander Payne to get his next film off the ground. Following up his biggest project yet, scope-wise, with Downsizing, he's bee...