One of the most sure-fire bets for the Cannes Film Festival was the next project from the talented Belgian duo of Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne and, sure eno...
With Dexter concluding, Michael C. Hall's first follow-up role is one of another killer, albeit one that does so by accident, at least initially it seems. D...
Amongst the arrival of the fresh, break-out voices at Sundance Film Festival this year, near the top of the pack was writer-director Gillian Robespierre and...
While Mad Men's final season kicked off last night, John Slattery (aka Roger Sterling) found time in the off-season to helm his first feature, building on h...
Following his sudden, tragic death, Philip Seymour Hoffman's last appearance on screen will be the back-to-back finales to The Hunger Games, but when it com...
"I had done two films that IFC had been a part of, Tape and Waking Life, so when I had this idea, I guess in 2000 or 2001, I was talking to some people, and...
After crafting the divisive sci-fi drama Another Earth, director Mike Cahill is back with his follow-up, which seemed to equally divide audiences at Sundanc...
As Sony roped in Drew Goddard to join their Spider-Man franchise to helm Sinister Six, he was forced to drop a potentially interesting project that was bein...
While Richard Linklater's Boyhood was rightfully the talk of Sundance this year with its innovative approach of filming over the course of 12 years, another...
After successfully raising $3,105,473 from 46,520 backers on Kickstarter, Zach Braff premiered his Garden State follow-up Wish I Was Here at Sundance Film F...