The Oscars highlight a handful of the best animated features and shorts each year, but the contributions to this specific form of filmmaking are often overl...
"What a high-profile film allows, I think, is to get the R&D going. A perfect example is: the marriage of the lenses and the camera we did on Rogue One ...
In just about five weeks Gareth Edwards' prequel Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, following a group of rebels with a secret plan to destroy the Death Star, wil...
Following a rather uncharacteristic dry spell on the silver screen this year, it looks as if Tom Hardy is once again open for business. Less than a week ago...
Before you see him on the big screen in two of the biggest blockbusters of the year, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Doctor Strange, Mads Mikkelsen has con...
Mifune: The Last Samurai, the well-assembled documentary on the life of actor Toshirô Mifune, the long-time Akira Kurosawa collaborator, should be a worthy intr...