Star Wars

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Top 20 On-Screen Duos

With the release of All Saints Day looming, we here at The Film Stage were left to wonder: what makes the perfect on-screen duo? Obviously, chemistry is the primary factor. But what else is there [...]...
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‘Terminator’ Up For Grabs Again

According to The LA Times the rights to The Terminator franchise which are currently owned by the now bankrupt Halcyon Holding Group controlled by Derek And...
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[Pre-Oscar Season] Top 20 Films of 2009

The calm before the pending Oscar storm is trembling in front of us. Here at TFS we asked each writer to give their Top 20 so far. I then gave 1 point to their ...
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Bourne Four Gets Another Writer?

According to /Film, Universal has hired screenwriter Josh Zetumer to help pen a new Jason Bourne film. This comes just two weeks after it was reported that ...
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Andrew Stanton Talks John Carter Of Mars

AICN' s Quint is at The Santa Barbara Film Festival where director Andrew Stanton (Wall-E) had some more to say about his upcoming film John Carter of Mars: ...