Given the critical respect/financial disrespect of the wonderful, geek-friendly romantic comedy Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, here's a list of my top 10 financi...
Ridley Scott was rumored to direct an adaptation of Joe Haldeman's 1974 novel The Forever War. Not much has been heard about it, but recently Haldeman wrote...
Ridley Scott was rumored to direct an adaptation of Joe Haldeman's 1974 novel The Forever War. Not much has been heard about it, but recently Haldeman wrote o...
He is leaving the island and heading into the extraterrestrial. Lost showrunner Damon Lindelof will be doing rewrites for 20th Century Fox on Ridley Scott's...
As Inception warped our minds and showed us a new generation of sci-fi, Christopher Nolan has admitted to "plundering cinematic history" and using many refere...
Wall Street's hot again. At least for now. We all know how quickly that tide can turn. After all, money *gaffaw* never sleeps. Between the upcoming Margin C...
The most anticipated film of the summer, Inception has recently screened in a few different venues. Most notably Cinema Expo in Amsterdam. Peter Travers from Rolling Stones also saw the film [...]...
Before clicking on this link to this article (and even now as you read) they are around you. On the screen. In your room. Your apartment. House. Everywhere....
Could Carl Rinsch finally be getting into feature territory? The popular commercial director was attached to direct the Alien prequel before Ridley Scott decided he wanted to do it himself....
Sam Mendes Oscar® winning director of American Beauty and Revolutionary Road is set to helm a slate of new iPhone commercials that will most likely debut as part of Steve Jobs iPhone announcement at Apple’s WWDC keynote on June 7th 2010....