Pixar has debuted the new teaser trailer for the upcoming third entry into the Toy Story saga. The Lee Unkrich-directed animation features the voices of Tom...
Up is a masterful breakthrough that brings out strong emotions that most dramatic films are inept of achieving. No other animated film has done this in such a profound way. ...
As if you didn't need another reason to see Pixar's Up, voice actor John Ratzenberger tells UGO the trailer for the third Toy Story 3 will be playing before...
Of course attending the premiere of Night at The Museum: Battle of The Smithsonian was director Shaw Levy. I got the chance to talk to him and he gave me so...
Editor's note: Due to a trip to NYC I wasn't able to update as frequently as I hoped. Here are the major (and minor) news stories I missed.
First Promo P...
By Jack Giroux
2008 was a great summer for the movies. Good entertainment was had, and not just dumb popcorn movies for once. We got The Dark Knight, Wal...
Not sure what is coming out this month? Here is my rundown of my most anticipated films:
12. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (Levy, May 22nd)
Today we have our first look at Megan Fox in Jonah Hex thanks to MovieGab. She plays Leila, a gun-wielding beauty and the love interest of Hex, a disfigured b...
Today we have the first picture for Pixar's Partly Cloudy. This short will air before Up, like Presto last year. This is the directorial debut of storyboard a...
In honor of the Dreamworks Animation Monsters Vs. Aliens hitting theaters this weekend here is a list of my 15 favorite animated films of the last 10 years: