"Todd Haynes' filmography is often overwhelming in its intellectual acumen and emotional devastation," we noted upon the release of his latest film this past fa...
"Having ejected political comedy from his system, Pedro Almodóvar returns to 'women’s pictures' with the simply titled Julieta, which will see two actresses...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, videos, and other highlights from across the Internet. If you'd like to submit a piece for consi...
Although it's been documented that Asghar Farhadi will produce yet another feature in his native Iran before heading to Spain, the unique possibilities affo...
Colorful and beautifully shot, Mala Mala is occasionally as tender and provocative as some of Pedro Almodóvar’s best work. Told through nine subjects, directors...
Update: Fotogramas (via Hello Cinema) have confirmed that Penélope Cruz will lead Farhadi's Almodóvar-produced feature. Says the actress, "Asghar told me th...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from across the Internet. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration...
Helping to kick off the year in a promising fashion, back in January, director Pedro Almodóvar revealed he'd be making a new film shortly. “It’s a return to...