Quentin Dupieux returns with The Second Act, a playfully dour satire on the film industry that sees the French absurdist delve further into the apocalyptic moo...
Quentin Dupieux works at such a dizzying clip––"the French Hong Sangsoo," they're calling him somewhere, I assume––that a film of his so readily grabs our atte...
That English-language cinema has no parallel for the Garrel family is equal testament to their legacy and our shallow, piddling culture. While Philippe Garrel'...
Eternally the rebellious loverboy of the Sarkozy era, Louis Garrel, now at 40, is seemingly easing into an elder statesman role. No longer too brooding a prese...
The great Hungarian filmmaker Ildikó Enyedi appears infrequently, making something of an occasion her next feature, The Story of My Wife. But we'd be thrilled ...
While he earned acclaim with Lost and Beautiful, The Mouth of the Wolf, and more, Pietro Marcello received a much-deserved breakthrough with his astounding, te...
Working with him may cast eyes aside and whatever you end up doing together is—for, let's say, various reasons—less than likely to ever legally screen in the U...