The world is ending and nobody cares in Ick, Joseph Kahn’s latest genre offering after 2017’s Bodied and 2011’s Detention. Despite only making four features in...
With an increasingly crowded marketplace, there are more reasons than ever that something might not find an audience and we've rounded up the releases that deserved more attention....
If any Canadian festival is worthy of having its name spoken alongside the behemoth that is TIFF, the Fantasia International Film Festival and its eclectic ...
This writer will admit that he joked to a friend recently about music video director Joseph Kahn’s slow feature film output over the last 13 years as almost mak...
Following an initial round of premieres and the announcement that Borg vs. McEnroe will open Toronto International Film Festival 2017, they've now announced...
Coming off one of the best films of last year, Tangerine, director Sean Baker is going from iPhone to 35mm for his next feature, The Florida Project. We spo...