After making his feature writing debut with Brigsby Bear, Kyle Mooney has now made his directorial debut with Y2K, a disaster comedy which brings together Rach...
We're now just a short time away from the world premiere of Pedro Almodóvar's first English-language feature at Venice Film Festival. The Room Next Door, starr...
Emerging from a long haze, Bahrām Beyzaie’s The Stranger and the Fog caught the right people's eye when it appeared at last year's New York Film Festival ...
Cheap Thrills and Small Crimes director E.L. Katz director returned earlier this year, premiering his new action-horror feature Azrael, scripted by Simon Barre...
Indiewire having encouraged us to reminisce about the 2000s through its recent Best of the Decade list, there's the reminder of one key thread defining that er...
With the current re-release of Henry Selick's Coraline netting a rather staggering $11.3 million at the U.S. box office, LAIKA is back in the conversation. The...
One of cinema's greatest partnerships is getting its due with Stephen Soucy's forthcoming documentary Merchant Ivory, set for a release on August 30. Ahead of ...
Pia Marais’ Transamazonia seeks to connect us to its characters and the environment containing them, but we leave the film far more imprinted by the latter. Th...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week’s selections below and past r...
Welcome to a new episode of The Film Stage Show! Brian Roan and Robyn Bahr are joined by Dan Mecca for a special dadcast edition of the podcast to discuss M. ...