Though the different eras of global feminist thought are known as "waves," which implies successive awakenings of liberation and critique, the film world takes...
Over half a century after international slave trade was abolished in the United States, Timothy Meaher made a bet that he could transport a ship of captives fr...
There are great faces, and then there is Dale Dickey's face. Simply put, it is in a league of its own. The sole contender may be Wes Studi's. A Love Song, writ...
There’s an entire universe out there, even when it feels like your corner of the world has been turned upside down. Who has not felt like they’ve been roaming ...
Perhaps the most harrowing thing in Tantura, a striking documentary from Alon Schwarz, is the nervous laughter that slips out of the mouths of old men allegedl...
Joe Hunting has spent the last few years documenting VRChat, a social-virtual-reality platform that allows users to create their own worlds and avatars. His de...
By design, Ed Perkins’ The Princess keeps a healthy, mediated distance from its subject, the late Princess of Wales. After all, the news is the first draft of ...
A refigured and condensed version of his own audio drama of the same name, When You Finish Saving the World is a slight directorial debut from Jesse Eisenberg ...
Emergency starts out like a typical college-aged comedy. As the school year ends, two protagonists—Kunle (Donald Watkins) and Sean (RJ Cyler), best friends wit...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week's selections below and past r...