A lot of filmmakers at South by Southwest hatched their first movie during the pandemic. Jake Johnson is no exception. With Self Reliance, the actor’s shift in...
Let this be a lesson, like David Berman once sang, that a setback can be a set-up for a comeback if you don't let up. Five years after Under the Silver Lake go...
NYC Weekend Watch is our weekly round-up of repertory offerings.
Film at Lincoln CenterA retrospective of Tod Browning's dark world brings the likes of Frea...
Following a premiere on the opening night of Sundance Film Festival, Lisa Cortés' documentary Little Richard: I Am Everything is arriving next month. The accla...
One of the highlights of Sundance Film Festival this year was Amanda Kim's documentary Nam June Paik: Moon is the Oldest TV, which examined the life and work o...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week’s selections below and past r...
The future is either an incredibly exciting place where decentralized ledgers bring about change rapidly or a hellish landscape where organized groups can expl...
It was just this week when the trailer for the new 4K restoration of Raging Bull dropped that we were wondering when Showtime would finally date Martin Scorses...
That English-language cinema has no parallel for the Garrel family is equal testament to their legacy and our shallow, piddling culture. While Philippe Garrel'...
In Drylongso, Pica (Toby Smith) coughs her way through each day. She goes to photography class at the local college, works nights putting up posters for variou...