20th Century Fox aired the second of three announced 60-second television spots for X-Men Origins: Wolverine during House. You can find the first spot here an...
Paramount Pictures has released the official teaser trailer for the upcoming Michael Bay sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Check it out below or in...
20th Century Fox aired the first of three announced 60-second television spots for X-Men Origins: Wolverine during Family Guy. The second spot will air on Mon...
Warner Bros has released the final batch of Watchmen production photos, including a few comic to film comparison shots like the first three below, the first of ...
Columbia Pictures has released the movie trailer for The Taking of Pelham 123, which will be attached to The International this weekend. Based on the John God...
Variety reports Universal Pictures has acquired The Adventurer's Handbook, a script for a comedy that will star Jonah Hill and Jason Schwartzman. Hill wrote t...
Variety reports Curtis Hanson, director of Wonder Boys and L.A. Confidential, is in negotiations with Disney to direct Gemini Man. The action thriller follows...
Twentieth Century Fox announced they will debut an exclusive, three-part reveal of X-Men Origins: Wolverine on FOX.
Latinoreview reports for this unprecedented...
Variety reports Tom Cruise has joined Denzel Washington in The Matarese Circle, the David Cronenberg-directed adaptation of the Robert Ludlum thriller. The fi...
Jordan Raup is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Film Stage and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic. Track his obsessive film-watching on Letterboxd.