For all those who remember Irreversible (and if you've seen it, how can you forget it?) and for all those who should've seen it by now, here's the first two...
Robots battling in the Victorian Age produced by the guy who made space cool again? Alright, I'll bite.
J.J. Abrams (Star Trek, Mission Impossible III) a...
The news of the film suggested it, the poster hinted at it and here comes the cold hard fact. Yahoo has released the teaser trailer for the forthcoming Yogi...
Ferrell and Adam McKay have produced The Virginity Hit, a teen comedy in the vain of Superbad, The 40-Year-Old Virgin shot in the docu-style of Paper Heart....
In a clashing of new Hollywood formulas versus old Hollywood formulas, Chris Nolan's high-concept, narrative-bending Inception dropped a lean 30 percent to ...
In many ways, it seems to be much ado about nothing. Mark Ruffalo is (or shortly will be) Marvel's new Hulk, to star alongside all of their other superheroe...
It's news too good, perhaps, to be true. And Lord knows there's been similar reports over the last FIVE years. Writer/Director Kenneth Lonergan gave us You ...
Essentially achieving a dream Branagh's most certainly had his entire life - to be Laurence Olivier. But then, what actor doesn't want that at some point in...
Say what you will about Screen Gems and the quality of their product (Legion, Dear John), the small money Sony branch knows how to make box office mountains...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.