It's been a long year for former movie star Mel Gibson. Well, make it a long half-decade. Between getting drunk, pulled over, spewing anti-semitic slurs, al...
We all know Will Ferrell excels in political comedy. And Zach Galifianakis is as hot as they come right now. Director Jay Roach, though you may not know it,...
When I was kid, there were three things that fascinated me like nothing else: sharks, Indiana Jones and cheetahs. The fastest land animal, springing from ze...
Note: This is the first in a recurring TFS feature series, analyzing past stars and their journey deep into career failure and, in some cases, their way back ...
Now look, I love Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin as much as the next guy, but it was clearly a stalled step to take after Hugh Jackman riled everyone up at th...
Against all odds and without much warning, George Tillman Jr.'s Faster comes to life with more than just gun shot shells and head wounds, but also style and...
Do you want answers? Do you believe you're entitled to them? Do you want the truth? Can you, in fact, handle the truth? The 15 documentaries competing for Osc...
His writing may be somewhat derivative and his direction may be somewhat bland, but few filmmakers can build a scene like Paul Haggis. What starts as the next...
After weeks of meetings and readings and the like, director Baz Luhrmann has found his Daisy Buchanan: 'it' girl Carey Mulligan (Never Let Me Go, Wall Street ...
Hopefully not the kind of hit that screams "we really want another hit from these two players!" Screen Gems, who's had beyond a good year perfectly articulate...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.