With an apparent (and certainly limited) U.S. release of this film finally coming on March 13th, here's a little diddy about The Edge of Love, directed by Joh...
Apparently, there will be two Terrence Malick films to feast on in the near future. As reported over at AICN, the upcoming Malick film The Tree of Life, starr...
By Dan Mecca
Sporting a familiar story in a familiar city, writer/director Gary King's indie film New York Lately is a very comfortable affair. Most reminisc...
As reported on Worst Previews, Bruce Willis is being sued $4 million for signing a $200,000 contract to direct Three Stories About Joan, a film starring Owen ...
According to Variety, both Jim Carrey and Jake Gyllenhaal are set to star in a modern film adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical Damn Yankees. Craig Zada...
As reported in Variety, Melissa Leo, Frozen River star and recent first-time Oscar nominee, has signed on to the indie film Betty Ann Waters, joining Sam Roc...
By Dan Mecca
In honor of the late Heath Ledger, his acclaimed body of work and recent Oscar win, here's a list of the man's best performances on screen. The ...
By Dan Mecca
I don't know about you, but I've been watching these clips Warner Bros. have been putting out, and the whole thing's just not registering with m...
Well, this doesn't look good. As reported by Jeff Wells on Hollywood Elsewhere. Read the short review here. I've read the graphic novel and love, but actually...
Well, 'at least it was better than Crash' seems to be the general opinion of Variety writer Todd McCarthy, who offered this short, but sweet, early review of ...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.