Dan Mecca

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What’s in a Biopic?

It's a question with no precise answer and no particular set of rules attached to it. Loosely, a biopic tells the story of life, usually one [...]...
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[Dan’s Review] Law Abiding Filmgoer: A Reaction

It's a good thing one man revenge stories are in these days (see amnesiac hitmans and Jigsaws for reference), because this schlocky, overwrought, sloppy, patronizing, unintelligent, non-factual, blood-soaked, wrong-sided bastardization of a film will (and already has) made a killing at the box office (pun only halfway intended)....
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A Wild Thing: Mine, Yours and Ours

When you're nine it's hard to imagine being any older, or any more responsible or any less adventurous. Words like "afford" don't exist yet. Everything that happens is the most violent, most scary, most vibrant thing that could be done in the moment of its doing. No film captures the violence of youth quite in the same way Spike Jonze's Where the Wild Things Are does....
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[Off Stage] Proof

Miramax | USA | 100 mins Love is impossible to calculate, or solve. It comes about and lasts, or fades away, rather inexplicably. In one, short, sloppy b...

Dan Mecca

Managing Editor

Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.