John Carter Of Mars, the story of a Civil War soldier transplanted and imprisoned by Martians, has a new composer - Oscar Winner Michael Giacchino.
The ...
It's a news story so obvious it literally hurts to type up.
Because both the original and the sequel were box office draws and because it's Fox, there's ...
Which could be a good thing, or a bad thing depending. How much do you like Gladiator?
It all looks a bit recycled, from the father-son plot point to pe...
Only days after his co-host gig with Alec Baldwin at the Academy Awards, comedian/writer/actor Steve Martin will replace Dustin Hoffman in The Big Year, a c...
According to Arianna Huffington (second from left in above photo), creator of The Huffington Post, and former wrestler/governor Jesse Ventura (both of whom ...
Because what little boy wants to see a movie about a girl with really long hair? And that's all they think of when they hear Rapunzel, the Brothers Grimm tale...
In saying yes to the villain role in Water For Elephants, Oscar winner Christoph Waltz had to turn down the opportunity to play psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud for director David Cronenberg...
After the Sherlock Holmes sequel wraps this summer, Ritchie may take on the sword in the stone . A project separate (but equal?) from the Bryan Singer film ...
The veteran filmmaker is quite literally digging back into his roots lately. First a Wall Street sequel, now this. Drug cartels and romance. Remind you of any...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.