I’m possibly embargoed from speaking too much about Arnaud Desplechin’s Spectateurs! / Filmlovers!, which debuts at the Cannes Film Festival on May 22, but suffice it to say those who’ve loved the previous entries in his Paul Dedalus saga (1996’s My Sex Life, 2015’s My Golden Days) have nothing to worry about. Ahead of that premiere––and, God willing, news of U.S. acquisition––there’s a first trailer playing up the fiction side of this peculiar doc-narrative hybrid. (Whatever it takes to fit Mathieu Amalric!)
Speaking to Variety for the trailer’s debut, Desplechin calls Filmlovers! an “infinitely personal essay” that was initially proposed as a documentary about film projection. Per its discursive style, he says, “It was easy to write because I kept coming back to my own thoughts about cinema that were in my head for over twenty years.”
Find preview and poster below: