In a bizarre occurrence, the workprint of the follow up to last year’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine has leaked online. This comes just one year after the original workprint made it’s way onto BitTorrent sites. Producer Tom Rothman simply told The Playlist:

We got duped again.

Screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie had more to say on the event:

I don’t know how it is possible. I just showed my recent draft to Hugh [Jackman] and we aren’t even shooting the project until January. But, with internet today, these events are increasingly likely to occur. We still plan a January shoot in Japan and hope this doesn’t happen again.

Reprising his role, Hugh Jackman told us:

It’s maddening. On the positive side, it will give unrelenting motivation to my character when it comes time to shoot.

I can’t say I’m surprised by this news. Fox should have learned their lesson and got tighter piracy security. I’ll still be looking forward to the theatrical release when it comes out in 2012.

Are you surprised the workprint for Wolverine 2 leaked?

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