The end of summer and start of fall has seen the release of several books that qualify as major entries in film studies—specifically Fun City Cinema and Inland...
If you're a film nerd putting together a late summer reading list, look no further. There are a number of books here that could qualify as “beach reads,” chief...
Filmmaking-related books released in the last few months cover a head-spinningly vast collection of topics and directors. Our latest swim in the literary water...
The end of 2020 and the start of 2021 have featured a diverse and dynamic collection of cinema-related books. Let's start with two of these, a biography of dir...
It is holiday time, and to that end, this latest look at recent books touching on the world of cinema features some gift ideas, quarantine reading—and even lit...
It has been a few months since our last rundown of new books exploring the world of cinema (and a little beyond), and the pile is growing with noteworthy texts...
While the country is beginning the first steps of emerging from quarantine––for now, at least––the summer season should still mean lots of reading time. Some s...
The end of the year and the start of the next often brings about a flood of books about cinema–many of them timed to tie in with the Oscars. This column featur...
As 2019 draws to a close, the busy cinephile can mostly be found in his or her natural habitat, the theater. However, there are lots of books to catch up with ...
The holidays are upon us, so whether you looking for film-related gift ideas or simply want to pick up some of the finest the year had to offer in the category for yourself, we have a gift guide for you...