john cusack

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‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ Trailer

The trailer for Steve Pink's (Accepted) Hot Tub Time Machine has been released via Yahoo. The comedy stars John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, Clark ...
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The Times They Are A-Changin

With recent news that MGM is on the chopping block and the current debate on what the company will head/who it will turn to in the near, dire future, the overall change that seems to be going on in Hollywood (and in the world of film entertainment altogether) shines more and more apparent....
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The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Moments In ‘2012’

For a film that is one single entire ridiculous moment one may say it is difficult to pinpoint specific favorites. Well, here at The Film Stage we attempt to do just that. These include specific scenes, broader categories, and entire performances. Check out the list here....
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[Jack’s Review] 2012

Columbia Pictures | USA | 158 mins 2012, directed by Roland Emmerich, is a standard disaster film, a.k.a. plenty of gaps in logic and a predictable story...
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[Merrill’s Review] 2012

Columbia Pictures | USA | 158 mins Roland Emmerich’s latest piece of world destruction cinema not only pushes the bounds of awful storytelling but mana...
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FREE 2012 Screening in Buffalo – Nov 10th

Columbia Pictures and The Film Stage are offering you the chance to win free passes to Roland Emmerich's upcoming apocalyptic thriller, 2012, starring John Cusack, opening in theaters [...]...
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Roland Emmerich’s ‘2012’ Trailer

Sony Pictures has finally released the new trailer for Roland Emmerich's new disaster film 2012. The film follows an academic researcher who is trying to su...
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[Festival Spotlight] New York Lately

By Dan Mecca Sporting a familiar story in a familiar city, writer/director Gary King's indie film New York Lately is a very comfortable affair. Most reminisc...