john cusack

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[Blu-Review] Hot Tub Time Machine

Four guys embark on a wild weekend. Shenanigans and hi-jinks ensue. It’s rude, it’s crude, it’s funny and it’s NOT The Hangover. Instead I’m talking about Hot Tub Time Machine. Yes, its absurd as the title sounds. Does Hot Tub Time Machine sink in it’s own ridiculousness or does it float to the top of its genre?...
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[DVD Picks of the Week] June 29th

Take your shirt off and jump in my hot tub because we need to go back in time to see what DVDs are worth watching this week: (more…)...
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[Contest] Win ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ On DVD

Here at The Film Stage we've teamed with 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment to give three lucky readers a copy of one of the funniest comedies of the year Hot Tub Time Machine on DVD....
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[Review] Hot Tub Time Machine

Certainly, by all accounts, the best film ever made about a hot tub time machine, this is a dumb, dirty, disastrously-made comic gem that finds a sloppy bal...
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10 Films To See In March

Not sure what is coming out this month? I'll tell you what to check out in theaters, rent later and avoid altogether....
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Hot Tub Time Machine Trailer #2

A second trailer for the highly anticipated Hot Tub Time Machine directed by Steve Pink and starring John Cusack, Rob Corddry, and Craig Robinson has been r...

Top 100 Films of the Decade

For the past few months here at The Film Stage we have had endless debates on the 100 films that defined the decade. After many late nights whittling the list down and some films that hurt to let go, we have landed on 100 films that we believe everyone should see and share. [...]...