“Paul Schrader’s Los Angeles has changed,” writes Nick Newman in our review of The Canyons, the aforementioned helmer's first film since 2008’s Adam Resurre...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we believe it's our duty to highlight ...
Emerging two years after Green Lantern -- by which point, we'd think, a majority of the wreckage has been cleared away -- Martin Campbell has zeroed in on a...
Update: TheWrap have a rather hard-nosed quote regarding Lohan's involvement, one which says, "She will not be cast in any role in the movie. She is not bei...
Following up news that had come around last week, Rosamund Pike (The World's End, Jack Reacher) is one stroke of the pen away from securing the lead positio...
It's only so long that an actor can stay attached to the same perpetually developing project -- and if we're not talking about those of the "passion" variet...
The Archive is a collection of cinephile-friendly findings around the web, including rare or never-before-seen photos, interviews, footage or any other bits r...
Last week we got the news that things were moving fast for the next work from David Fincher, following his The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo adaptation and in...
Update: TheWrap claim Natalie Portman, Emily Blunt, and Charlize Theron -- the latter of whom is leading a different Gillian Flynn adaptation, Dark Places -...
Disney has no problem taking advantage of public domain works, and not just once or twice. The company often turns to its precious vault for inspiration, a ...