Hitting film festivals this year is the ambitious omnibus film The Turning (trailer), which, at least a portion of, was set to be Cate Blanchett's directori...
After a bit of back-and-forth between potential efforts, it would, finally, seem that Joe Wright is settling on a follow-up to last year's Anna Karenina. As...
With production set to kick off in a matter of weeks, David Fincher has found his Gone Girl with Rosamund Pike and the man who will be searching for her wit...
A month from tomorrow, Alfonso Cuarón's space thriller, Gravity, will finally land in theaters, nearly seven years after the arrival of Children of Men. Wit...
Update: Charlie Hunnam (Pacific Rim, Sons of Anarchy) has been cast in the lead role, as 27-year-old billionaire Christian Grey. Check out the original stor...
In case you haven't heard, Ben Affleck transformed into the new Batman overnight, resulting in a monsoon of nerd tears. But with all the hubbub over everyth...
As David Fincher is gearing up for six-month shoot Gone Girl -- kicking off next month and lasting until February -- it's prime time to get a little insight...
The Archive is a collection of cinephile-friendly findings around the web, including rare or never-before-seen photos, interviews, footage or any other bits r...
Some of us have idly waited for further updates on The Stand, a (presumably) epic adaptation of Stephen King's beloved apocalyptic text that had been on the pla...
The Archive is a collection of cinephile-friendly findings around the web, including rare or never-before-seen photos, interviews, footage or any other bits r...