Phil Lord and Chris Miller keep themselves busy. Not so far out from the excellent 21 Jump Street, we already have news of an appropriately titled 22 Jump Street set to arrive next year, and the trailer” for their next animated feature, The Lego Movie. Throwing even more balls in the air, Variety inform us the pair have been tapped by Sony for another, different kind of effort going by the title of The Reunion.

While writers-directors are to produce through Lord Miller, the latter of those names is taking solo duties as writer and director. How this will come to change any sort of running dynamic is uncertain, given that they’ve only tackled one live-action title together; centering on a high school reunion, it at least sounds small-scale enough for a (potentially) inexperienced solo helmer.

One more Sony-related tidbit: the Captain Planet movie is happening. Per THR, it’s to be produced by Mark Gordon, Don Murphy, and Susan Montford. All we can advise is that you prepare.

Do you hope to see where Miller and Lord will go with The Reunion?

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