If you read film sites regularly, there are two sequels that have been constantly been reported on for what seems like forever: Ghostbusters 3 and Bill and Ted 3. But while the former seems stuck in perpetual developmental hell, the latter is closer than ever to being realized. Three days ago a director was announced for the movie and the script has long been completed. Now Keanu Reeves is out there to fan the flames even more by discussing what we may await us and the time travelling rockers. In an interview with GQ (via Movies.com), Reeves touched upon previously discussed plot points contained in the third installment. Here’s what he had to say:

“We have a nice story. We’ll see if anyone else wants to make it. One of the plot points is that these two people have been crushed by the responsibility of having to write the greatest song ever written and to change the world. And they haven’t done it. So everybody is kind of like: ‘Where is the song?’ The guys have just drifted off into esoterica and lost their rock. And we go on this expedition, go into the future to find out if we wrote the song, and one future ‘us’ refuses to tell us, and another future ‘us’ blames us for their lives because we didn’t write the song, so they’re living this terrible life. In one version we’re in jail; in another we’re at some kind of highway motel and they hate us.”

It’s an interesting idea, but the end of Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey already wrapped all of that up. At the end (and spoilers I guess for people who haven’t seen it), they come back from the future and perform “God Gave Rock and Roll to You” to not only the audience in attendance at the Battle of the Bands, but to millions watching all around the world on their TV sets (they were hijacked by the movie’s villain but let’s just skip all of that explanation right now). Everyone around the world high fives one another as the song plays, signalling that that was the song that officially changed everything. The end credits even chart the Wyld Stallyns progress in the years after, becoming the greatest band ever and even performing in space and creating peace in the Middle East. See for yourself:

So where does Bill and Ted 3 fit into all of this? Does it take place somewhere in between all of these landmark moments highlighted in the end credits or does it just sort of chuck Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey‘s wrap up in favor of something completely different? Either way there’s only one thing that keeps crossing my mind: this movie does not need to be made. And I’m saying this as a diehard “I can recite both movies front to back and used to eat the cereal/collect the action figures” fan. It just needs to be let go, no matter how much my nostalgic side is begging me to cave and blindly beg for this movie to be made (and despite the fact they have a director, Bill and Ted 3 isn’t a done deal so it may not get made still). Let this one go, guys. Please.

Do you actually want a Bill and Ted 3 or should Reeves/Winter just let this one go? Does Reeves’ details fit with the series?

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