Not too long ago we reported on a few actors rumored for the much needed Fantastic Four reboot, and now we finally got a list of directors who could be bringing us the infamous team back on the big screen. And the great news is: these aren’t names like Tim Story. While this should be regarded as pure rumor right now, it’s hard not to get excited by the names Comic Book Movie are reporting. The suspects: David Yates, James McTeigue, and smokin’ Joe Carnahan.

For starters, it’s a bit difficult to imagine David Yates jumping back into another franchise after working in one himself for so long. Once the Potter franchise is over, his name alone will be able to get a few projects off the ground and Yates most likely wont want to jump back into something that’ll most likely take up a few more years of his life. And really, who wouldn’t rather see Yates finally tackle The Giver?

As for McTeigue, he should have his hands busy with The Raven for at least another year or two. But McTeigue doing a superhero film like the Fantastic Four isn’t by any means far fetched; he was once rumored for the Superman reboot, as well. Joe Carnahan is the only name that seems to really fit. Sadly, a sequel to The A-Team definitely won’t be happening and some of his smaller scale projects don’t seem to be going anywhere. Carnahan just showed he can make solid populist entertainment with The A-Team, and lets face it: that’s what 20th Century Fox wants, who he also just worked for. And just like McTeigue, Carnahan himself has been rumored and tied to other comic-book properties in the past.

Lastly, while we heard who was rumored for Mr. Fantastic and Susan Strom, we hadn’t heard who may be the one bringing The Thing to life. Well, it seems like Bruce Willis is the man they want. While many fans will surely embrace this idea, it’s difficult to imagine Willis mannerisms fitting that big orange rock. Willis just doesn’t quite have that sturdy gruff voice required, which is something Chiklis nailed perfectly.

Who would you want to see direct the Fantastic Four reboot?

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