The Film Stage

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Jason Lee Joins Smith’s ‘Dicks’

Since My Name is Earl was canceled last month many have wondered what Jason Lee (Vanilla Sky) will be doing next. Well yesterday we found out. During his in...
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Identity Through The Eyes of Michael Mann

Identity is defined as the individual characteristics by which a person or thing is recognized. In the films Collateral and Miami Vice Michael Mann explores how identity is always fluctuating and that the “individual characteristics” by which we define ourselves are always changing, but our core selves remain the same. Almost like a computer, the software may be constantly changing but the hardware running it never does. Through the characters, story, and cinematography Mann exemplifies this....
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Michael Jackson Scene Cut From Brüno

/Film reported today that the new comedy Brüno had it's LA premiere last night with one scene cut out. A scene involving the recently passed Michael Jackson...
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[Review] Samson & Delilah

Taking out the much-coveted Camera d'Or this year at the Cannes Film Festival, director Warwick Thornton’s first feature film has reignited the Australian film industry. Using very little dialogue, this unpredictable coming of age story relies upon body language to engage with its audience. Set in a remote Aboriginal Community in the Central Australian desert, Samson & Delilah follows the story of two Aboriginal teens, Samson (Rowan McNamara) and Delilah (Marissa Gibson) whose fight for survival is thwarted by violence, poverty and substance abuse....
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The Future of Comedy

In the 20’s comedy meant one thing, the slapstick stylings of Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin complicated by subtle social commentary. As the ideas and me...
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Fincher To Direct The Facebook Movie?

Variety reported today that director David Fincher (Fight Club) is in advanced talks to direct the Facebook film titled The Social Network. The film is bein...