Stargate: Atlantis star Jason Momoa has been cast as Conan the Barbarian in the aptly titled reboot, Conan (via Deadline). The film is being directed by Mar...
Spike Jonze, one of my favorite new generation directors, has made a new short film entitled I'm Here. You may recognize his name from his feature films: W...
The nominations for the British Academy Film and Television Awards have been announced with Avatar, The Hurt Locker and An Education tied with eight nominat...
For all you Tron fans out there who have been waiting for the last 25+ years for a sequel to your all-time geek fest of a film you only have another 11 months...
After having picked up both Enter the Void and Red Riding yesterday, IFC decided to not let up while announcing today they will also be snapping up squirm-m...
Ronald Harwood, screenwriter of the Pianist and the Diving Bell and the Butterfly has been brought on to scribe the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. biopic....
Here's a trailer for The Eclipse, a film that has nothing to do with Twilight. It stars Ciaran Hinds (ROME , There Will Be Blood) and Iben Hjejle (Defiance and High Fidelity)....
Last year it was announced that filmmakers were working on 3D-ifying the original mastered versions of the 1991 animated film The Beauty and the Beast. Yesterday it was reported that the film's release was going to be delayed over a year. It was slated for release on Valentine's Day 2010. A new release date has yet to be announced....
According to THR's Heat Vision blog D.J. Caruso will be taking on the film adaptation of the upcoming science fiction novels I Am Number Four by James Frey ...
One of my most anticipated films of 2010, Gaspar Noe's Enter The Void, has faced some obvious hurdles being picked up by a studio. The film premiered at Can...