The cycle recommences. Just before Jurassic World was bumped back a year, rumors had swirled that the then-imminent project was of interest to both Bryce Da...
The jump from Suzanne Collins to John Steinbeck is not one without substantial qualitative differences, so let's consider what follows a nice progression for Ga...
Unlike last night's development, what we have, here, is a Leonardo DiCaprio-related story free of heavy sighs or improperly channeled frustration -- and it ...
In recent weeks there had been rumblings that Martin Scorsese was falling behind schedule on his newest picture, The Wolf of Wall Street, these unspecified ...
Let's hope Derek Cianfrance doesn't fall into that dreaded "sign everything remotely interesting thrown your way" pattern. After this spring's The Place Bey...
Though no less important because of its inevitability, what follows still need not surprise: speaking to newspaper Nice-Matin (via France24), French legend ...
The Freddie Mercury biopic has had a long, reportedly tense journey from page to screen, but still with nothing to actually show. With this one step forward...
Fifty years on, thousands upon thousands upon thousands of investigative documents later, so few can truly agree on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Qu...
The dreams of a Michael Fassbender western, once dashed by Jane Got a Gun, are reigniated with a Daily Mail story, wherein it's announced he'll be off to th...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...