Sanctum, directed by Alister Grierson, is a 3-D effects slide show that wants desperately to be a feature film. Set in an underwater cave that no human has ev...
In a reported six-figure deal, Oprah Winfrey's OWN Network (does anyone else love how much that name suits Winfrey herself?) purchased Crime After Crime, th...
David Mackenzie's made a career out of telling small, intense stories on small, economical budgets. With Perfect Sense he goes somewhere only a few filmmake...
Certainly one of the darkest films at Sundance 2011, thespian Paddy Considine's directorial debut Tyrannosaur tells a simple story: girl finds boy, boy want...
Steve James’ dense, meticulously-focused documentary, The Interrupters, about urban violence in Chicago and those who’ve chosen to prevent it is an epic chron...
Certainly not a Sundance starlet like Elizabeth Olsen or a storied Sundance vet like Miranda July, British filmmaker John Akomfrah has been making criticall...
There's a scene about halfway into David Mackenzie's Perfect Sense in which people become scavengers, rushing about eating everything in plain sight, from h...
Circumstance walks the line of a revolution for two hours, never once tripping over its feet. Directed by Maryam Keshavarz, this star-crossed romance featur...
There's a lot of drinking, snorting, sucking and crying throughout Mark Pellington's I Melt With You, a two-hour rock-n-roll meditation on the middle-aged w...
No less than this generation’s Scarface, Lee Tamahori’s The Devil’s Double is an indie-funded epic about the son of Saddam Hussein and his unwilling look-alik...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.