Writer/Director Mike Judge has given us cult fave Office Space and the underappreciated Idiocracy. Here is a trailer for his new film, starring Jason Bateman,...
By Dan Mecca
On Monday, Variety confirmed that Fox News entertainment blogger Roger Friedman was fired by the company after publishing an early review of the...
As most reading probably already know, Jay Leno is not retiring but rather moving up earlier in the night to a daily 10 p.m. spot, washing away NBC's entire l...
By Dan Mecca
Not that Eurocentrism has ever really gone away, but at least high-profile filmmakers were trying to conceal it with "noble" films like Crash. H...
As Variety reports, rom-com whore, all-around decent actor and attractive male movie star Matthew McConaughey is set to star in Lakeshore Entertainment's The ...
By Dan Mecca
If honesty is the best quality, Adventureland is the gem of the cinematic year so far. Written and directed by Greg Mottola (the guy who dir...
Take a peek at Away We Go, the new film by Sam Mendes, the director behind American Beauty, Jarhead and Revolutionary Road.
Check out the trailer >>...
Hello all! It's good to be back in Buffalo and in the world of film news. Jordan and I took a nice little break to drive up and down the east coast, and we sa...
Oh no. Or maybe not. As reported by the guys over at Get The Big Picture, the incredible Swedish vampire film Let the Right One In, directed by Tomas Alfredso...
James Gray's Two Lovers pulls no punches. In the vein of classic Hollywood romance-tragedies such as A Place in the Sun minus the gloss and the decisiveness, Gr...
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.