Here courtesy of Yahoo!, are 6 new photos from Kevin Macdonald's (State of Play) upcoming sword-and-sandal epic concerning a young Roman soldier (presumably...
Call it Tailor Made. Literally. Summit Entertainment is developing an kidnap/action script set in Cancun, written by Eric Champnella and Grant Thompson, for Twilight star Taylor Lautner. The film will be produced by Dan Lautner who is, yes you're correct, Taylor's pops....
Here, courtesy of Yahoo, is the new trailer for the action rom-com The Bounty Hunter, starring Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Butler's a bounty hunter ...
Bursting with the energy of invention, James Cameron's technological epic Avatar shows us how stories will be told in the future, in turn giving us a story to tell the moment we see it. To tell our friends what they missed or have yet to witness....
Here are some photos of the Sundance competitor Howl, which tells the story of Beat poet Allen Ginsberg's famous obscenity trial against the State for the public reading of his controversial poem "Howl." The film is directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, starring James Franco as Ginsberg....
There is no question Clint Eastwood is a talented filmmaker; someone who knows his way around a camera. No one would ever question as much. And perhaps that's exactly the problem. Eastwood's new film, Invictus, is one of the most heavy-handed, poorly-paced, lazily-shot films of the year. Eastwood is on autopilot here, and it shows....
With the Awards Season underway, THR put together a nice little actor's roundtable, including such potential nominees as Nicolas Cage (Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans), Peter Sarsgaard (An Education), Morgan Freeman [...]...
Straight to the point, Nimrod Antal's Armored is exactly what you'd expect from its trailer and synopsis: a heist movie about a group of armored truck drivers who rob their own armored truck, until things go array. Unfortunately, no viewer will care enough about any one of the characters in this small-minded waste of time to be effected by any of the wrong turns said characters (and filmmakers) take throughout....
Big name, studio-pushed family dramas without a "holiday" selling point (a la The Family Stone or Everybody's Fine) are hard to come by these days. So are successful war films. Jim Sheridan's Brothers is both of these things, and has fought a long, hard war of its own to open in theaters....
You read right. The plan is apparently for two more season's of the hit HBO show and then a film to cap it all off. All of this from the mouth of the show's creator and producer, Marky Mark Wahlberg, at The Lovely Bones premiere this week....
Dan Mecca is the co-founder and managing editor of The Film Stage. He is a producer and filmmaker living in Pittsburgh. He watches a lot of movies and tracks them on Letterboxd.