With the Oscars fast approaching, Oscar snub stories have hit a fevered pitch. Did those wily Coen Brothers snag Chris Nolan’s Best Director nod? Did female filmmakers get the shaft (again)? How did Scott Pilgrim vs. The World not score a single tech nod? (The answers are: No. Yes. The Academy is made up of geezers.)

While pondering these craftsmen left out in the cold of the award season spotlight, I couldn’t help but think on one particularly egregious snub – that of Jeff Bridge’s beard, a truly undervalued supporting player.

Let me be clear. I love Jeff Bridges. His lack of vanity makes him an absolute joy to watch, and I think he deserves all the accolades he’s garnered and more. I just feel he should admit his greatest advocate over the past few years, the collaborator whose added to some of his greatest portrayals, is his beard. Like Bridges, it has taken on many looks, but always brought a gritty gravitas to its screen work. Let’s take a pictoral comparison:

Bridges & beard:

The Big Lebowski/ Crazy Heart/ True Grit / Iron Man

Bridges beardless:

The Amateurs/ How to Lose Friends and Alienate People/A Dog Year/ Stick it

It’s obvious isn’t it? He’s done some of his most iconic roles with his beard at his side – well on his chin. But, when he goes without – I mean, I haven’t even heard of some of his sans beard movies (The Open Road, anyone?), and some others are ones I think we should collectively agree to forget. (I’m talking to you, Stick it.)

Like with my Matt Damon Askance Glance theory, it’s not a perfect system, what with Tron Legacy’s blending beardless and not, but overall the beard has served Bridges well.

So it’s my proposal that Bridges’ beard get a Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s broadcast. I mean, if Country Strong can get a nomination, how hard can it be to give some truly exemplary facial hair its due?

What’s your favorite performance by Jeff Bridges’ beard?

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