Month: March 2010

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Diablo Cody Taking On Femme Anti-Hero

Diablo Cody, Academy Award winning scribe of Juno fame and more recently Jennifer's Body, hard at work on her TV series The United States of Tara, has also been developing a couple new big screen stories...
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[DVD Picks of the Week] Mar. 23rd

It’s Tuesday once again and it’s time to sift through the new releases to find a few gems...and a few throwaways. Check them out below and let me know what you are watching this week....
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Emma Stone To Star In Adaptation of ‘The Help’

Emma Stone ('Superbad,' 'Zombieland') is currently in discussions to star in the DreamWorks adaptation of Kathryn Stockett's novel 'The Maid.' Tate Taylor will direct from his own adapted script....
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Wes Craven To ‘Scream’ Again April 2011

/Film has some long awaited news. Dimension Films have finally announced that Scream 4 is going to be produced with a release date, April 12, 2011. Of course, franchise director Wes Craven will be returning to the directors chair. ...
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Kevin Smith’s ‘Red State’ Starting Production in July

After the horrendous misfire known as Cop Out, it looks like Kevin Smith is getting back to what he does best; directing his own scripts. Instead of Hit Somebody, the hockey comedy he recently shopped around, it will be the horror film Red State...