Coming off the fairly complex and ever-evolving issue of inner-city crime with The Interrupters, director Steve James is narrowing his scope and returning to an area that made him famous with Hoop Dreams. His next documentary, titled Head Games, returns to the arena of sports, but instead of an inspirational bent, he tackles the issue of head trauma with athletes.

Based on Head Games: Football’s Concussion Crisis, a book from footballer and WWE wrestler Christopher Nowinski, the film dives into the struggle that these performers have with speaking up against major possible damage, for fear of having to sit out in their respective sports. James has shown he can provide a wide range of perspective on issues, so I’m curious if these one will also pack the same length as his other sprawling docs. Check out the trailer below via Indiewire for the film also featuring interviews from Bob Costas, Cindy Parlow Cone and Keith Primeau.


Head Games is a revealing documentary about the concussion crisis in sports. Athletes and parents share their personal struggles in dealing with concussions from the professional to youth levels. From acclaimed director Steve James (Hoop Dreams, The Interrupters) and award-winning producer Bruce Sheridan, Head Games takes a deeper look at the devastating and long-term effects of concussions in all sports. Inspired by events from the book Head Games written by Christopher Nowinski, the film offers eye-opening insight and cutting-edge science on head trauma from the nation’s leading medical experts.

Head Games hits theaters on September 21st.

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