A trailer for the upcoming thriller Stone has surfaced today thanks to The Playlist. The film stars Edward Norton, Robert De Niro and Milla Jovovich. The film has flown pretty much under the radar and I have to say, the trailer doesn’t look too impressive. The film is being directed by John Curran who you may remember from The Painted Veil. The film looks like it screams medocrity but who knows, I could be wrong, it could end up turning out to be worthwhile. Decide for yourself. View the trailer after the jump.

UPDATE: Removed at the request of the studio.

Plot: A ruthless convict engages in a series of disturbing mental games with his corrections officer in an attempt to gain parole. When the officer begins an affair with the convict’s wife, it soon becomes clear that both the convict and the officer’s motivations are suspect, provoking a dangerous ordeal.

Stone was looking at a release this May, but has since been in limbo.

What do you think of the trailer?

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