If you’ve somehow missed the shocking and thrilling Korean horror adventure, The Host, rent it immediately so you can share in the excitement for the proposed sequel, which hopes to open in 2012 – and in 3D.

While 3D has become an acknowledged (and at times tedious) trend here in the States, out East it’s only beginning to catch on (again). Twitch Film reports that China, Japan, and Korea are all beginning to explore the new/old medium, and one of the hotly anticipated outcomes of this shift is the Park Myeong-chan sequel to the Bong Joon-Ho monster-packed monster hit, The Host, will be in 3D.

The Korean production house, Chungeorahm Films is currently seeking investors for the project, with plans to create special effects work in Korea, and hit theaters in 2012.

If 3D takes off out East, expect a string of grisly 3D Asian horror to hit our shores in 2012 and 2013.

The Host is available on Blu-ray and DVD, and is currently available on Netflix Instant Watch.

Are you looking forward to The Host sequel?

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