Remember in 2004, when Quentin Tarantino started promising that he’d release both parts of his kung-fu/revenge-western opus Kill Bill as one uncut feature? And remember how the thing was screened in 2006, left people slobbering for a DVD release, and then nothing? Well, now that the Oscar season has finally limped to a whimpering, predictable close, the film blogosphere can finally get back to what we the most: Tarantino!

According to /Film, Quentin Tarantino will unveil the long-awaited Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair at the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles. The full version will run for a week as part of Taratino’s takeover of the New Beverly for all of March 2011 and part of April. As for whether or not we’ll see it on DVD, that’s another story. Here’s was Tarantino said in 2008:

We’ve actually added some things to it. We did a whole little chapter that I wrote and designed for the animated sequence, that we never did, because we figured, back when it was gonna be one big movie, it was going to be too long, so we didn’t do it. So when we were talking about re-releasing it, they asked is there anything you can put in, and I said no I put everything in there, but… there’s one sequence that we wouldn’t even have to shoot! So we got together with Production IG and did it, and it’s really cool. So it’s this little seven minute sequence, it’s really cool, it’s in the O-Ren chapter.

Tarantino distracted us all with the excellent Inglourious Basterds (which really should’ve won Best Picture at last year’s Oscars, but whatever), but hopefully will find time to release the whole Kill Bill epic on disc and Blu-Ray (forcing us all to buy it all over again – right, Lionsgate and Miramax?).

In the meantime, Tarantino has been prepping his next film. All we have to go on is this comment (via Jeremy Smith via AICN):

“Tarantino’s next project is quietly coming together behind the scenes. Hope to have something to report soon. I predict most people will be very happy with it.”

What’s he working on? Well, Tarantino will be involved in some capacity on the spaghetti Western The Angel, The Bad and The Wise, according Italian actor Franco Nero, speaking at the Los Angeles Italia festival:

“We have already been signed by a dozen people who will be part of project. Among the filmmakers involved include Quentin Tarantino , Keith Carradine, Treat Williams, fifteen people in all, Americans who want to do this movie and so we are trying to produce it outside of Italy.”

Taratino has a long history of showing up in unexpected places – a “guest director” on Sin City, “acting” in Sukiyaki Western Django, and ushering in a whole new generation’s appreciate of the exploitation genre with his Rolling Thunder series of DVD re-releases.

There is no hard evidence that Tarantino is directing this film, and I’m certain that he’s taking his time planning his next project after the sad loss of his long-time editor Sally Menke. Whatever it is, we’re looking forward to it as we await 2011’s onslaught of superhero movies and reboots.

Would you like to see Tarantino make a full-on, Leone-style spaghetti western? Why or why not?

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